Monday, September 29, 2008

3 weeks and counting

I cannot believe that the Nike Women's Marathon is JUST around the corner. This past Saturday, my second ever 12 mile run made me sure that I am ready! I have to say, that I'm a little slower and sweatier after running that far than I had imagined. My original vision of the race went something like this: sailing across the finish line "glowing" and galloping at an easy 7 minute mile as hoards of people congratulated me and gathered to take my picture. I have come to realize that my ideal image of how I would complete this race is, in fact, highly unlikely. But I am sure of a few things. One is that I could not be happier or prouder that I have taken this journey. Doing this in honor of Bjorn has helped me to deal with losing him, has given me the opportunity to talk about him often, and has helped me to feel that I am making a difference to someone. Second is that I have learned to actually ENJOY running...something I did not at all expect. And third is that I have grown as an individual. It's true what they say that you can solve (at least for a little while) almost any issue by going on a good run.

So, now I realize that my part of this journey has actually been the "easy" part. I have learned and grown and gained a self-confidence I did not expect. Oh yes, and I run "like a girl"...which I have come to recognize as a compliment! Team in Training has also given me the chance to better connect with my community and to bring my friends together to have parties and KICK cancer butt! Heck, my fundraising at Rock Bottom Brewery even turned into an impromptu LC reunion. Now that's my kind of event :)

But I could not be ready to head to the Nike Women's Marathon without the support I have gotten from all of you! I believe that donating is the "hard" part...especially with the economy going the way it is. But you have given so generously. My close friends and family, you have been wonderful. Thank you!!! And to those of you who don't have much to give and gave anyway, and to those of you who barely know me and have also given THANK YOU!!! You have made an investment in the health of those who are ill, in the care they deserve to receive, and in the research that will one day prevent people from becoming ill in the first place. So, from the bottom of my healthy/fit heart ;) Thank you again.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Fund Raising Goal MET!!!

Well, it is official: I have met my fund raising goal of $4,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society...and surpassed it!!! I am so excited to be in this position 6 weeks before my big race. Now anything I can raise before October 19th is just that much more to go to fight blood cancers. THANK YOU so much for your support! I could not have done this without your love, encouragement, and of course, your generous donations. I have been moved to hear your personal stories about how blood cancers have touched your lives, and have really enjoyed having the opportunity to talk about my friend Bjorn and how special he was to me. Please keep his family in your thoughts. And I have been reminded what fun, supportive and generous friends I have in my life. You continually come to my events, cheer me on and ask how my training is going. I can't thank you enough for all that you have done. I hope that my training and fund raising may have inspired you to take on a similar challenge in honor of something or someone that you love! I am so excited to be able to donate this much money in honor of Bjorn...thank you again.